Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shoe Crush

Will I be able to wear heels ever again?

Anthropologie Ecru Clipped Heels

I'm craving for some nude shoes. This one's more apt for my life these days.

Aldo Damann

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Birthday Lunch

What I love about being here in my other side of the world aside from being with my family are having dinners, lunches, impromptu parties almost every weekend.

We had lunch at a Sushi buffet which I'm grateful for since I sorely missed eating Sushi during my pregnancy. =)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Mama's Birthday! =D

For the patient, loving and fabulous lola...

who wears my bead creations along with her pearls and diamonds with so much pride and love...

who cuts our hair just like my best stylist...

who is a career woman at 58...

who still knows how to rock...

and who I appreciate and love more than ever when I became a mother myself...

I LOVE YOU so much. Happy birthday, mama!

Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm loving every minute of being a new mama nowadays.

I'm able to bring Hunter out and I love how people come up to me to coo on him and just basically share in our happiness in little ways. I've always been that way I guess, even when I was pregnant.
I wasn't one of those preggy women who hate their tummy being touched or get annoyed easily.
I loved basking in my pregnancy glow and I didn't mind people touching my belly because I knew it was out of goodwill especially when I was in the Philippines where it is considered good luck to pat a pregnant belly. =)

My little Hunter is a snugglebug and although I'm going to miss him being this small because he is growing way too fast right before our eyes, I'm excited with his other stages and there's nothing in the world I want more than to be front and center witnessing everything.

They always say that with Parenting, the days are long but the years are short so I'm determined to enjoy every little thing about this blessing given to us.
I'm just thankful that I have the choice and the privilege of being a Stay-at-home mom and that makes it so much easier to apply Attachment Parenting which is the style of parenting both me and the hubby really adhere to.
Speaking of which, I want this book and I'm set to order a copy one of these days.

That is when I find time. I've been busy working with new stuff this month for spring like hydro quartz crystals and yummy briolettes, when I'm not busy with Hunter.

Just this morning I woke up at around 3 am after only sleeping for two hours. But it was during the quietness of that moment while looking at my son, I realized these are the good days that I will cherish and look back when I'm old and grey.
Right that moment, instead of feeling tired and sleepy, I felt so content.
I realized it was one of those moments where everything is perfect: My parents are healthy and enjoying their lives, my sisters and brother are happy with their own families and projects and I have this great blessing and things to look forward to in the coming months. =)

Life is great.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hunter's first hunt

Hunter is a month old already! Goodness, time flies!

We will be taking a picture of him with Mr. Teddy Wiggles (name given by Achie Pooh) every month to see his progress.

This has been a very busy week. Aside from Hunter turning a month old, it was also our wedding anniversary some days ago and unlike the past years, it was a very ordinary day for us. We went to the pediatrician and went shopping for more baby stuff.
All I can think about are baby things! As a new mommy, its so exciting to discover about baby stuff that I didn't know about (or cared about) just a year ago.

Today, the Espinas invited us to just go out and enjoy the nice weather we're having. It didn't take me too long to say yes although we only get about a total of 5 hours of sleep at night because I've been raring to go out for a while now.
Now that we have established a routine and Hunter (thankfully!) can alternate between breastfeeding and bottle feeding, I am more confident to take him out.
We ended up just picking up things for him like his new diaper bag that both mama and papa are happy with (since the papa bear insists mama only buys "diaper bags" for herself). =)

Its nice to be back, physically recovered and in my full-blown mommy gear. ❤

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Back to the Grind (sort of)

When I don't tinker with pretty things for a while, I get antsy and miss it so badly. So just days after giving birth, I was back fiddling with my tools and creating shiny things. =)

I really like this drizzle Lisa bracelet I made. The chain is gold-filled and the crystals are small bicone swarovskis. Although it looks a bit chunky and busy in the photos, its actually very dainty and delicate. The client wanted it in juicy Berry colors

This necklace is just one of the many waterfalls design I made the last few weeks. Its made with Green Hydro Quartz and Watermelon Tourmaline set in 14k plated gold.

I haven't been posting in my business site because I was so poofed and tired all the time when I was pregnant and now all the photos from past orders have piled up for sorting.
Since I don't get help right now here in US and I'm basically a one-woman production number, I find it harder to keep up. I needed to prioritize on just the meeting the demand and existing orders rather than coming up with new designs and updating my sites.
Hopefully, I'll be able to start sorting out all the photos from the last month this week. =)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Now that we are just waiting for Hunter to get all his check ups done and start his immunization shots, I feel that our trip back to Manila is near.
I'm in a sort-of panic mode since I am still not done with my shopping for baby things that will last me until the next year.

We've accumulated so much stuff from the last three months and now I feel like shipping all these back in the Philippines would be the greatest challenge. Well, that and the courier fees! :/

I still have yet to find a high chair and a playard for him to use back in Manila.
Somehow all the stuff we have right now are in Green and has a Jungle theme but his nursery in the Philippines is in Blue and has vintage planes theme so now, I'm thinking of how to mesh the look together.

I really like this playard by Maxi-Cosi. It has a built in changing table and other compartments. I love that it will grow with him until toddlerhood.

I'm still looking for the perfect not-so-colorful and wooden high chair that will not stand out like a sore thumb in my mom's old furniture.
At least, I have something to do at 2 a.m. after waking up for the baby. =)))
I honestly don’t know what to write anymore.

Days ago, I have decided to start a new blogspot and change my blog’s name. Somehow, “isabelicious” doesn’t fit anymore now that I’m a mommy. I just thought my entries are so random and out of focus.

Weeks ago, I had an invitation from an online fashion community site in Singapore (that is just starting out) to guest as a “fashion blogger.” Really!? I find it funny since these days, I’m the least fashionable person that I know. =/ And even during my good days, my style can only be described as comfy and classic (read: boring). I've never had any outfit posts ever so I figured it might be for my jewelry collection and online shop (speaking of which, I really have to start my business blog soon!) since this is a personal blog, an online diary of some sorts and not an entertainment/lifestyle column.

Paolo talked me out of creating a new blogspot or changing my blog name because he said the evolution of my blog makes it special since it represents my growth. After all, I’m writing first and foremost for myself. Leaving my online home for the last four years will be a waste since the beauty of it all is reading my past entries and seeing how much I’ve changed and grown.

So “isabelicious” it is.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Our last three weeks

The last almost three weeks went by in a blur. We are in such a happy albeit chaotic place right now.
You can't really explain the unconditional love one feels when one becomes a parent until you are there in that situation meeting your child for the first time.
I always ask Paolo how can I love this tiny human being so much when I've only known him just barely three weeks?

My little guy and I are getting to know each other.
I'm slowly learning about his patterns and quirks and he knows my voice and scent.
It takes only so very little to appease him.
He is a pretty laid-back baby, something I think he got from his papa.
I always say he makes everything so easy for his mama: from my relatively easy pregnancy, to my less than just 7 hour labor in the hospital to my only three epic pushes for his official debut out into the world.

Needless to say, I am in love. ❤❤❤

It's also a joy watching the hubby morph into a papa bear.
I've always known Pao will be a great dad but I've never expected him to be so hands-on.
Since he became a dad a bit older already, I thought he will be the relaxed, laid-back one and I will be the one stressing out, being OC about everything.
Turns out, he's such a neat-freak when it comes to his son. I am the one who's much more calm. He is also the one who's more particular with Hunter's things from what stroller to buy down to the quality of Hunter's baby wipes!
He becomes a little snooty (so unlike him) when it comes to his son. I guess that's what parenthood does to anyone, you only want to give the best for your child.

My boys! I love their "late-night conversations." I only wake up to breastfeed, the rest Paolo does with much enthusiasm and love. I am a lucky mama. =)

I've always loved the name Hunter. It sounded so intrinsic, so basic, so strong.
A perfect name for my first-born son.
I remember reading about one of my favorite supermodels, Nikki Taylor giving birth to her twin sons Jake and Hunter when I was in grade school. And the name Hunter stuck with me. Secretly, a part of me wished I would marry a guy with a nice last name that will sound well with such a strong name. ;) The name has been with me for years.
I remember mentioning it to Paolo when I was in college and how we both agreed Hunter sounds so well with Yason. =) How it sounded almost like a title.
Months ago when we found out we were having a boy, Paolo was the one adamant about giving him the name Hunter.
Elias (pronounced with a long e) is an old name which I love and rarely hear nowadays. Elias is also a name after my mom's. Since we were expecting him this March, the same birth month as my mom's. Elias also means My Lord is God.
A strong name for a first born, I only hope and pray he lives up to his name.

More mommy updates soon. =*