Tuesday, August 31, 2010

meet the WALKIE TALKIES...

I am a fan. We seriously need more of this talent than the usual biritan we always have in the Pinoy music scene.

Learn more about them and their music.

Check them out at Raleene's page and their Youtube channel.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Our little project this long weekend...

We didn't go out of town because we went on to finish my home project number 2: Make-over our tiny sitting room.
Too bad I wasn't able to take pictures of the "before" look. :/

It's a bit of a challenge to spruce up a tiny area but I wanted to make the most out of the small space in the sitting room we have downstairs. Although We don't use it as much since we just stay in our work room, bedroom or in the dining area.

I love how a few tweaks here and there make the room look so much better and different. Now I stay there more in the early evenings. :)

A bust holding my necklace of the moment sits in the middle. :)

I'm all about good lighting. I never liked harsh, fluorescent lights (I think I got that from my mom). Soft lighting and few strategically placed lamps make all the difference. I've always wanted that wooden cut-out lamp I always see in my spa.

And voilĂ ! A new cozy space for us. :) I think my mama would be happy.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Something's cooking up in my world!

I've been busy for a while that's why I haven't been posting lately.

Bulk of my business is online and I am soooo happy that Charmed Life is slowly but surely cementing its online presence.

I can't wait...but for now I need to hustle to push through with this somethin', somethin'.

Gack, I'm so excited. The hubby heard me screaming from another room. :D

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just venting

Imitation is the best form of flattery but sometimes it is just plain annoying.

I am also a designer, an artist and not just a businesswoman. I guess my humble business, although relatively small is something very, very close to my heart because it takes a long creative process, a personal process.
I source in the materials from its rawest form to create beautiful things. Its not just about the money. I take pride with stuff I make.

Although I take inspirations from other designers, I make my own stuff with my own raw materials. So when you order designs from me, pieces that I make with beads and stones, I personally choose and source in, then remake them yourself makes me feel somewhat offended. If you want to be a "hobbyist" go buy your materials somewhere else.

It's like that annoying co-worker who steals ideas from you and claims it as his own creative eureka moment and thinks nothing is wrong with that since he was able to "develop" the idea anyway (as if he would be able to think of it on his own in the first place).

It's like getting another work of a photographer, "tweaking" it and putting your own effects and claiming it as your own work (Go take your own picture).

My only take is, there is really nothing much we can do with copying, I think its part of the business. But there is much to say for people who buys or gets a finished product, all the elements complete already then re-tweak it and claim it as his very own creation.
I feel like somehow I have been artistically plagiarized.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

what a day, yesterday

Yesterday started out great for me.I was even thinking of blogging about it in the afternoon. My morning started out in a rush, trying to finish some stuff for the scheduled shipment. I had a nice lunch then set off finishing some things for my bead bar. After that I went jogging then went straight to the spa for a couple of treatments and pampering. My day was busy but not stressful. I was more than ready to end the day with a nice dinner with the hubby when he picked me up.

I was blissfully unaware of what was happenning and only learned about it through Pao... So, so sad. What seemed to be just an ordinary day for some, was actually one of the most tragic in our country for this year. I pray for the victims and all their families. I can't even imagine the trauma and grief.

On the other side of the spectrum, I'm glad Ms.Philippines did well in the Ms. Universe pageant. She didn't lose. She won fifth place. That was a great finish for someone competing with 80 plus of the most beautiful women in the world.

Positive vibes, people. We need more of that.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

hello, forsaken blog

I've been offline for quite a while because of so many things I had to do for the past two weeks. After our getaway, I was flooded with things to do for my shop. Last week was about family and taking care of them. I was at the hospital for a good part of the week for my uncle. The rest was spent on running errands.

Things are better now and as always when I get a bit on the wayside, I'm more motivated to tackle the next week.

*Bring it on! =D

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Impromptu Getaway

Last Friday, we decided on a whim to leave town for the weekend. We wanted to take some beautiful photos and headed up North.

We love long drives and roadtrips.

We went to some remote resort in Subic. It was raining hard. We weren't able to do much except checked out the local bands and ate at the hotel resto, good thing though that we were able to book a nice enough room.

I'm looking forward to our next staycations, but next time we'll be staying around the metro. Rainy season can be such a drag.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Night Lights

Newly opened Centris Walk. Another reason to love living in Q.C.

We ate at Asya, an Asian Fusion Restaurant. We ordered Haianese Chicken and Nasi Goreng.

It's not yet complete and there were just a few restos opened. Except for the spaceship-like structures, its nothing specially,really. I'm just excited we have another dinner place for lazy wife nights. ;)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sedate Excitements of Domesticity:

Home-made dinner.
Tuna Casserole.

French Onion Soup.

And a grateful man.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I got my new toy already and I am having a hard time figuring it out. I ended up using my conking old camera to take pictures of the new orders. Paolo is the one enjoying it for the most part and I reckon it will be his new toy instead. Well hello, trusty old camera. I can never ever be a gadget girl. These times make you realize you only need very few things in life. The rest are just trivial stuff you are programmed to want.

I'm in a de-clutter mood this week and I have been trimming down our stuff and clutter for days already. I have acquired so many useless knick knacks over the years and I feel really guilty seeing them now and realizing how much money I could have saved instead.
Now that I'm getting older and hopefully much wiser, I will just be sticking to the adage of less is more: quality over quantity. Same with relationships, people, grudges and issues. Life is too beautiful and too short to focus on so much negativity...and hodgepodge of heavy things (or people?) that make me unavailable for new quality things (or relationships).

De-clutter mode on.

Monday, August 2, 2010


...to the lovely couple!!!

The beautiful bride (and a beautiful crystal rosary made ahem, by yours truly. hehe)

My cousin just got married in Chicago. Pao and Ys, MIA again as usual,anovah.
They had a romantic Church Wedding complete with the entourage and guests both Americans and Filipinos decked in traditional Barong Tagalog, how cool is that?

Can't wait to see all of you! Love you,all!

♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Congratulations as well to Ate Sigs for a beautiful yacht wedding,overlooking the Chicago skyline. *Sigh
Our Elijah, my nephew was a little dapper in his suit and hat.

Lookie at my hot sisterettes....

My adorable nieces as the flower girls.

*Sigh. So many things happening in my other side of the world.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Something New, Something Vintage ♥

What I'm loving now. =)

Beautiful, beautiful natural stones: Rutiliated quartz, Turquoise, Light Amethysts, Corals, Aventurines, Strawberry Quartz. Please check out my bead bar for more trinkets and treasures.


Days are flying by so fast! I can't believe its August already!

I'm excited this coming September, my sister and her family will be visiting. That's also the main reason my August flight will be moved in the last quarter of the year. It's a good thing though because I still need to do a bazillion things especially that the last quarter is heaviest in sales. Although I'm not so sure if I can still hold up much longer not seeing my family. It's been a while, I can't wait to go back to Chicago. *Oh, well.

Welcome, August! ♥