Sunday, November 28, 2010

Meanwhile, in my other side of the world...

Spent time with my Yason family during our niece Pia's baptism. =)

Missed Thanksgiving (as usual!)

My beautiful family during Thanksgiving.

I'm so thankful for so many things in my life. One of them is having the most wonderful, beautiful family.
:) Happy Holidays everyone!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

My thirteen-year-old brother's artwork was chosen to be a part of a State fair exhibit in Illinois.

***I am a proud ate!!! ♥ Good job, Kuya. <3

Our home away from home

Our place for the last 5 nights.

Loved the view from our room. :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

plugging, plugging

Check out Ral wearing CharmedLifeby Ysa Yason at The New Department.

***Don't forget to add CharmedLife on facebook! ♥


One thing I don't like is being on a budget when it comes to travel food...I truly believe it's part of the experience to try out the local flavors.
Although this time, I think I have had enough of Chicken Rice. ;P

Saturday, November 20, 2010

5 nights away

...Just what we need. =) Will be back soon...better than ever. =)

Saturday, November 13, 2010


♥ ♥ ♥
I'm proud of Manny not just with his fighting skills but also with his being such a classy fighter, a gentleman even inside the ring. =) After all, you don't fight a dead man anymore. hehe.

Ok, back to work.


Now available at CharmedLife by Ysa Yason.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Of course I had to make a shout-out to one of my avid readers, hehehe.=)
My cousins Ate Kissy and Kuya Andy are having their first minion! Congratulations and we are all excited. Another beautiful baby in the family!

Life goes on

I really am the bunso in the family. Even my younger brother Josh and I have a different relationship from my sisters. He is my Kuya, He interacts with me differently. I'm the "cool" sister. ;P

That being said, I think I had been more dependent to others. I feel like I have always had people to take care of me, I must admit. Not so much financially but being there emotionally and physically. Personally, it's not a bad thing, it's actually a privilege that I'm quite grateful for. Maybe that is why I am more inclined to find guys a bit older than me more appealing.

It's only been the last months that I'm slowly realizing I'm really stronger than I thought I was. I don't like being depressed and wallowing so much. I realized when I get sad, I tend to pray a lot and feel comforted that I am one with Him in my ordeal.

I also realized I'm one of those nauseatingly positive people you meet.

And I like that. :) I am now the one telling myself, everything will be alright...and I believe that.

When things don't go your way; just trust the process and do what you gotta do, trust the bigger design and for the meantime just do whatever floats your boat. :D

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I got mine already!

I love Belle de Jour planners especially the discount coupons. I'm one of those who are OC the first few months using planners, jotting down everything and making resolutions but end up not using my planner after some months or so. But with the BDJ planner, the discount coupons are enough alone to make you buy one. Totally worth it. I have all the BDJ planners since they started and I kept all of them. :)

So if you are looking for a perfect planner, go get one for yourself...or else drown yourself in coffee at Starbucks for the rest of the holidays. ;P More power!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

You know you really love what you are doing...

...when you are happier when you are busier. That or I am just drowning myself with my work so I won't have time to think too much about big decisions to make now.

I'm starting to feel the holiday flurry. I'm busier than ever just with the MTO's alone. That's why I find it hard to join bazaars and trade shows especially this time because those will take soooo much time not to mention energy.

Sometimes when I get all cozy and comfortable with my everyday stuff and bustle, I will be reminded how much I miss my family and the eternal debate of whether to move now nearer to them or stay here for a while longer gnaws at me. I love what I'm doing here so much but "here" doesn't feel home.

I just talked to my baby brother who is now a teenager and I can't believe that I was hearing his voice on the phone. He sounded so different already, all grown-up...and I suddenly felt so old.

How things change so much. Sometimes, it's hard to keep up.

My brother during his impromptu 13th birthday celebration (it was a schoolnight ;p) All grown-up complete with chicken from Hooters! (whoot-hoo!)
I miss you, Kuya. =)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Joining the bandwagon

I resisted for a while, I thought it was too plain, too blah and a bit overrated.
But I just couldn't resist this one:

Longchamp Limited edition LM Nylon (Longchamp Maroquinerie) Metal in Steel.

Surprise Visit

I had the most wonderful "semi-surprise" visit from my lola and Uncle Danny. It was really wonderful since my lola rarely visits Manila these days. We spent the whole day just talking, having home spa treatments and beading.
My Uncle has big Construction projects especially this holiday season and I'm so touched he opted to drive all the way from Subic and spend his day off to check on me. I really am his favorite hehe. :P

I feel so loved. :* I love you both.

I couldn't resist posting my Uncle's car mags. Nice.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Life's simple joys:

My favorite corner spot in my favorite Cyma on a busy, busy night with my man.

Eating one of our ultimate faves: Lamb rack

Gelato at Gelatissimo: The most sinful thing you'll ever put in your mouth.

The loveliest plastic water bottle I've seen so far.

Little joys are everywhere.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Facebook business account is up

Coca-Cola keeps me up all night. I can drink coffee and tea all I want and I will still be able to sleep soundly after.
But not with Coke, it kept me up until the wee hours last night so I decided to finally start on something I've been putting off for a while now.

My Charmed Life Facebook account is now up! My personal facebook account is set in private so I made an account for my clients as well as to build network for my shop. I just started uploading photos and some stuff and adding friends this morning. Please add Charmed Life Ysa Yason up.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Have a sunshiney day.

Today is technically the start of the week. I opened my email and my heart skipped a beat when I saw a confirmation email from my Chinese suppliers that my newest materials from Hong Kong and China are on their way to my little place in Q.C..

I'm so excited! I love, love,love Peonies and my new collection is inspired by these blooms.
Nothing gives me the same rush than getting my new supplies for my shop but what really made my day today is the delightful email I got from my supplier. Sometimes, it is quite a challenge dealing with non-english speaking suppliers and business contacts but we get by.

Today, at the end of a business letter stating all figures and computations, confirmation of different orders and other business-y things you find in an email at the start of the week,I found a very charming letter ender: "Have a sunshiney day"!

You bet that made me smile. :)
Have a great work week everyone!