Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm slowly settling in my new married life. We just finished decorating our room. I'm so pumped to start with the rest of the house but Pao and I are taking it easy. I'm starting to build a schedule and routine going back and forth from our house to my parents' place. I've realized now that I'm married I want to have my major resolution list and really stick to it:

1. Quality over quantity. IN EVERYTHING. I'm still learning to edit my closet and my stuff. Besides, I figured I won't be able to haul all my mess to my new home. =)

2. Quality Relationships. The same quality over quantity philosophy applies here. Now that I'm getting older and hopefully a bit wiser, I want to leave the highschool mentality of being little miss popular with everyone in my life. I want to be able to nourish and keep friendships for a lifetime and that means investing more in people, albeit few who are sincere and emotionally healthy than keeping all acquaintances and friendships that are draining and one-sided--just for the sake of keeping them.

3. Stop second-guessing myself and my tastes. I am frilly, extravagant and girly. And I love it. =)

4. Be a little more patient and to mellow down a bit. I've always been assertive and a bit of a perfectionist and though it has served me well the past years, it also brought unnecessary stress in my life over things I cannot control. I guess that is why Pao and I are perfect for each other because he is so laidback and calm.

5. To establish a routine in my life. Though admittedly am a perfectionist, I also work in my own terms and in my own time. I argue that creativity doesn't have a schedule yet I'm realizing the rest of the world does. =)

I'm not too ambitious with my list. ;)

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