Saturday, April 3, 2010

I’ve never been a gadget freak, unlike my sister Tiffany who has an enviable gadget collection, mine is just for the basic stuff. I get attached to my stuff and I figured out, with gadgets, you have to replace it within a year or two and I can’t move on that fast. But even the most gadget-challenged person in the world would know when it’s time to move on…

These days, my laptop is my lifeline to the world. Aside from the usual social networking, I use it for my online business and more importantly, I use it to communicate with my whole family in the States. I basically use it more than I use my phone which also has wifi capability. I bring my laptop everywhere. I thought if I get a phone that has wifi, I’ll be able to go without lugging my laptop all the time and it sadly isn’t so. Now, I’m in my quest to find a smaller, more compact laptop that I can take with me anywhere.

This has been my laptop crush for a long time…It’s an old model (last year probably, that’s old in the tech world). But still, the Vivienne Tam print alone, got me. Singlehandedly. I really don’t care about the features, thankyouverymuch.

But sadly, It’s not available anymore in Trinoma. This is my other choice:

A mini notebook for my basic needs. =) Theoretically, a Mac book would be ideal. But since I have to reformat myself by using it and more importantly, I'm not willing to spend that much unless for a bag (which I can use for the rest of my life), I'm sticking with the mini notebook. I haven’t decided yet. Let’s see what the coming days have in store for me, a nice little laptop, hopefully.

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