Monday, November 7, 2011

Next week, next week.

I feel like my life is on hold right now even though we have so much to do specially this month. I've been waiting for something this November and until that comes, I feel like I'm at a stand still.

The past few weeks were spent de-clutterring and closing a chapter in our lives. I'm still not done clearing out 25-year-old worth of stuff in the house. I'm still not done cleaning out the closets and organizing the rooms. We still need a few repairs here and there that I've been meaning to finish before my third trimester begins. This is the best time to do this before I get so much bigger and moving around, or more appropriately waddling around the house will be too much of a hassle.

I'm so raring to go and start shopping for new stuff for the baby, the house and just basically turn over a new leaf. But before doing all those things, I need to get rid first of the old and the unnecessaries.
I'm barely hanging on by a thread, summoning all self-control not to start shopping yet for baby things.

My plans for the week:
1. Hold a Charity Garage Shop--everything will be for free! I'll be giving away my old stuff and old clothes and all the surplus in the house.

2. Finish at least two closets.

3. Start decorating the baby boy's room.

This week should be fun. =)

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