Saturday, August 30, 2008

nars na nars

Only a day after my post and I stand corrected. My sister Honey, after reading my latest blog entry gave me a NARS lipstick, a brand which I’ve never tried before and which she apparently loves (maybe because she’s a “nars”?—corny!) anyway, this one is a big surprise for a gloss fanatic, yours truly. I found out I love the NARS shade in mind games. It’s truly a big deal for me because the last time I used a lipstick was when I was 19 and that is a Clinique’s discontinued color. Seems like I’ll be owning a lipstick in this lifetime after all (I'm really growing up!)---slathered with a lip gloss on top, of course.

Friday, August 29, 2008

glossy perspective

Lately I’m having quite a dilemma while shopping. Being incurably girly, I always tend to choose various shades of pinks and printed stuff that lately I’m realizing I should purge a little from my closet. Up until two years ago when people ask me how old I was, and I say 22, the usual reply would be I still have the rest of my life ahead of me. Now, I’m beginning to feel a little disturbed that their replies vary from concerned albeit annoying questions like what do I do or If I’m married already.

This particular alarm rang this afternoon while I was out shopping for a lip gloss. Lip glosses are one of those things that have “age-appropriate” categories. For as long as I can remember I’ve always loved lip glosses and used to mix my mama’s lipsticks with a pot of petroleum jelly when I was younger (bacteria culture, hello!). I realized I’ve never owned a lipstick in my life and I don’t intend to in the near future. I notice I always end up looking so chola with matte lipsticks on. While I was browsing thru the make-up racks this afternoon, I observed I always make a beeline to the lip gloss section and flavors will always be a plus factor. This time, I’m obsessed with trying out all the 24 shades of VS’ Beauty Rush. The lg colors are so varied its more like choosing jelly bean candies and I love it! Not as expensive as Lancome Juicy Tubes or MAC Lipglass but good enough. I like how they smell so good as well. I figured I still have a good six more years (at least!) as a lip gloss connoisseur and I intend to enjoy every sticky moment.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Francesca Dominique Perez Lorenzo

She's here! August 21, 2008. At last.

It was an intense and emotional delivery. 2 days of labor for a 9.5 heavyweight. Yet when we finally heard her cry and saw her beautiful face, we knew it was all worth it.

It's still a bit surreal and I must admit, still a little weird witnessing my sisters giving birth. The very ones you grew up with, fought with, played with and shared secrets with are now mommies. This time, I was with my Ate Vi every step of the way. I felt every push and felt every ache with her. I always knew I'll be with her on this yet I was also thinking, my what am I doing here? I was with her at the Operating room and though I've witnessed births before, its different when its your sister. It was rather fast or maybe it was just so for those of us who are at the center of the story. Yet every second was so strong and vivid.

I was the first one to hold my baby niece, first one who called her by her name, first one who changed her diaper and first one who fed her. Though it will still be quite a while before I get one of my own, I somehow understand now with my little nieces Yanca and Chesca how truly magical the whole experience is.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

*dawn musings

I have been busy running around in my little world that I feel like I’m so far behind with this blog; That I wasn’t able to document the very exciting things that have happened and are still happening. So here I am back in Downers Grove. My being here entails so many reasons why: the arrival of my new niece, little Cheska, my quest for my dream wedding gown, to take care of little Yanca, to bond with my sisters. But this vacation is unlike any other in the past. It’s actually what I like to believe as a passage before that one great journey I am about to embark: married life. It’s my last jaunt as a single girl. I never thought I could miss so much being a floater with my sisters, having that right amount of freedom and accountability. Being the youngest girl, I can say though I’m always subjected to the seniority rule, it’s a fact that I actually like because then I also have less liability knowing someone is always out there to take care of me, someone is always there more responsible. I know a few months from now, life would be different. Although I have always been the baby in my relationship with Paolo, married life is all about partnership. I have less than 7 months to go. I’m working on so many issues still, yet I’m confident by that time, I’ll be ready.
I have to be. =)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mowdil Alert!

It has always been a secret joke between Pao and me that he is the MOW-DIL: My private Zoolander. One of my fiancĂ©’s charms is his shyness, I always hate arrogant, “feeling” guys but still he has done bits and pieces of modeling here and there yet he’s not the one to brag, he even loves to make fun of it. So it was more of a joke rather than something to tell with a smudge of pride. Yet I was pleasantly surprised and smugly happy when I saw a larger than life Paolo in a billboard at SLEX. It made me even happier that his was bigger than Anne Curtis across the major highway. =) I was so tempted to get one of his many banner ads along Zapote in Alabang. No one cares, really. It was just like the kind of inexplicable delight mommies feel when their kindergartens have insignificant roles like worms or trees in the school play. Although I must admit he looks way better in person, I cannot complain. I love looking at Paolo and seeing his face magnified at least 30 times more is way even better.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

my wedding prophet

I had the most wonderful dinner and coffee with a dear friend I haven’t seen for the last three years; A friend that reminds me of only the best memories. Now at 24, I think I have that certain wisdom in discovering lasting friendships. I’ve met a lot of people in my life but finding a true friend is like sowing seeds and the ones that grow and blossom are the ones which are most nurtured, cared for and loved.

Thanks Therese. Thank you for everything, Thank you for listening all through our STP classes about my “prophecies,” for rushing to my side even if it meant walking through the puddled and smelly streets of pedro gil and padre faura on a rainy day (shudders) just to give me a most-needed hug, for making me tag along with your equally sweet speech path friends just so I could have lunch mates, for keeping my “manifesto” (the one you are still saving for my wedding day, can’t wait to read it again! ;) ) for being there when I needed you most, for always saying the right words and for just reminding me of the goodness in the world.

I am going to miss you again so much.