Thursday, February 10, 2011

This Boy Is My Hero

You wouldn't know from that smile that this boy has undergone 2 serious heart surgeries, countless hospital visits, hundreds of pricks and pokes and one heart transplant...before the age of Two.

My nephew Elijah Rocco is the happiest little toddler that I know. He is the sweetest little boy and even though I have yet to see him in person, my everyday live cam marathons with my sister gave me the opportunity to witness these things.

I am in awe of him.
He is the strongest little person that I know. He is so curious about everything and so full of life and that more than inspires me. If only we could be just like that. That's the way to live.

He had a bad start but still I see the perseverance.
I don't believe that babies are tabula rasa. Seeing my nieces and nephews grow up make me realize that we have our own personalities as early as babyhood. Good thing Elijah takes after his mama's focus and discipline and his papa's strength and determination. He is the only toddler I know who takes in his medicines without a fuss, even waking up from sleep without baby dramas just to take his meds! And that's something because these are no ordinary medicines that you can douse with berry flavors to make them more tolerable. That taught me a lot: just do what I have to do. Somehow he knows he has to take in these nasty stuff, and that it is part of life.

He went through so much more than others would go through in a lifetime yet when I look at him all I see is a smiling little boy with so much promise in the future.
I guess one of the best things I've learned watching my little nephew is the resilience of a child: no attachments, no fear and living in the moment. Little children forget easily the pains of the past.

He cries when in pain, he laughs when he is happy and no matter what the world gives him, he is always curious and unafraid conquering each day as it comes. No other way to live.

I love you, Elijah. Happy Birthday, big boy!!! You are our hero.


This morning, I was reminded that I am a Registered Nurse (oo nga pala). Sometimes, I forget, hehe.
Our little Elijah is one of the luckier ones because he was able to have his operations and medical treatment with the best doctors in Chicago, Illinois.
But in our country, it is still so many steps behind when it comes to CHD treatment and procedures. A child's life shouldn't depend upon the ability of his parents to afford the treatment. It's a sad thing, but then that's how it is.

In our little ways, we can help out. I have a good friend who donated breast milk while she was nursing to her baby to help out undernourished CHD baby patients, you can also donate powdered milk to our many government hospitals. These babies need the best nourishment to survive the operations. I also have many friends who donate blood regularly.

My nephew is a heart transplant survivor. We don't know what would have happened if we didn't get a heart for him at that time...and we don't want to imagine. Because of that one act of kindness of a family in their time of grief, they gave a gift of life not only to Elijah but to our whole family.
I hope more people will register themselves as organ donors. One donor can actually save or contribute to 50 lives. It's a hush thing in our country and to talk about these things may seem "morbid" but its actually the same thing as getting a life insurance. At least you know you would be able to pass on and more importantly contribute to other people's lives and families even after you're gone.

Life is good...when you know how to live it.

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