Saturday, August 20, 2011

I'm so proud of you, Pooh.

I still remember when you were born. I was the first one to hold you.

I'm so proud to have spent your first two months on your side as your "other mommy." Waking up at wee hours, feeding and changing you, because of you, I discovered my "maternal instincts." My future baby is lucky because I was trained with you, hehe.

You are a sweet girl, I'm so proud of how you are becoming. Not all three year-olds let others blow their cake candles or open their gifts but you always share, even if its your day. It's just but natural to you.

You are a spunky little fireball and we all love your funny antics and most of all your free spirit.

I always love asking you, "Are you a Princess?" and you would always answer me "NO, I'm Cheska!" and for you, that explains everything, being Cheska is super enough. =)

I love you baby girl, my Cheskapooh, Happy third birthday!

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