Friday, August 19, 2011


I have this nagging feeling for the past weeks that I am not doing a good job being a wife right now.
I must admit Paolo makes it so easy for me to be a domesticated diva. He provides well, we are comfortable and at the same time I contribute and do my fair share.
And yet with all these being handed to me so easily, I feel like I haven’t been making the most out of everything.
There are so many projects waiting that I could have done since I hold my time and yet there I was thinking there will be more time in the future: a mistake we often make so easily.

I want to fix and redecorate both houses right now, I want to cook more for both of us, I want to de-clutter all our old stuff and remodel the master’s bedroom, I want fresh flowers in the house, I want the house to smell like Black Cherry and Snicker doodle just like in Downers’. I want to do something about the daily kitchen we have in my parents’ place. I just want to be more of a wife, maybe in its old-fashion sense.

It’s a wonder how we come up with the longest lists of things to do when we can’t do much at all. Lately, I feel like a candle being burnt from both ends.

Things will get better soon. =)

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