Monday, September 24, 2012

Goodness gracious, being a mommy has turned me into a sap. But then again, I have always been one.
I must admit I got a bit teary-eyed reading this entry from one of favorite parenting blogs: New York Times' Motherlode.

I guess what tugged on my heartstrings more than the usual is the reason that I can relate--- I have my own "Ah-Ah." I call it "Moti" which I've had since I was four years old. And yes, I still have Moti.
But what makes me relate to this even more is now I am both a daughter and a mommy.
As a daughter, you will never appreciate and love your mother more than when you become one yourself.

I love, love, love what Dell'Antonia wrote:

"...Patches is a concrete reminder of the reality I always have trouble getting my head around: that once, my mother and I were as entwined as I am with my own children; that once, I could not sleep without her good night kiss and a recitation of her good night mantra; that once, she held me to her heart as I hold my babies, and wished that I would never leave, while working hard to teach me to go. My memories of childhood center around me — whose don’t? — but as a mother now, I see some of them filtered through some idea of how my mother might have felt, giving me that first Patches, frustrated and tired of endlessly sewing him up and finally both wanting him back and wanting to send me off well-equipped for my fresh start..."

Read more here. =)

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