Tuesday, January 3, 2017


For the last 9 years I had been blogging here, posting about the New Year is one thing I never miss.
Life has been very busy. I rarely post these days and share about the things that happen in my life but it has been busier, noisier, demanding and happier than ever before. So that's one resolution right there: post more about the things happenning NOW that I can look back in the future.

Our Holidays this year had been pretty subdued compared to our past holiday breaks. We just stayed in different hotels for all the weekends of December. This had been a quiet celebration--- but a happy one because of our growing family and this little guy here who just added to the group last 2016.

My highlight of 2016

Everyone says 2016 had been a crazy year and we are no exception but I can't for the life of me say it had been a bad year for me because it was the time my Pax came into our lives. Pax's arrival alone makes up for all the bumps we encountered in our family in 2016.

This year, we are focused more on resting and reevaluating and just savoring lives and each other. The past two years had been harried and frantic and I can honestly say, there is a small period this year where I would let the dust settle in before we get going again.

Hopeful for the year ahead. 

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