Wednesday, January 27, 2010

right now, i'm the only baby here.

I’m used to people asking me whether I’m pregnant or when are we going to get pregnant.

It’s natural of course, since we are married for almost a year now. I’ve tried answering in different ways such as “we’re still waiting,” or “whenever we get blessed,” which for me is a totally nonsensical answer. Since I know, we won’t be having little ysas and paos for the next 2 years, at the most. I am just starting to enjoy this freedom that came with marriage. It’s ironic for some, but I feel more free under the bonds of marriage than I was when I was single and had a midnight curfew and allowance.

I don’t really mind being asked whether we’re already pregnant or not. I just got into this sort of introspective mood when a few weeks ago, an elderly neighbor asked me when are we going to have a kid. I found myself answering her in a way that didn’t sit well with her. She went on telling me or semi-scolding me that having kids is the best thing in the world and the best thing for a marriage, yah-dee-dah-doo. I really appreciated her sentiments. Somehow, I knew she meant well.

The thing is we don’t want to get pregnant now. Just like most couples if not all, we want to have kids too, someday. I’m beginning to realize it’s a concept here in the Philippines that’s a little hard to swallow by some people, especially the old and traditional ones. They think you get married to basically pop out babies. We wanted to get married to spend the rest of our lives together, to love each other and hopefully someday be able to bring up good, responsible and useful people in the world.

But right now, we are just being at our most hedonistic selves while planning and preparing for the future, whatever it may bring. I guess, there really is no right time or right formula, its different for every couple. Whatever floats your boat.

Someday when our little S. or H., comes along, I want to be at our most evolved selves and be able to give her/him all the things we are still learning and acquiring today. After all, like all parents know our kids (in the future) only deserve the best.

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