Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I got my new toy already and I am having a hard time figuring it out. I ended up using my conking old camera to take pictures of the new orders. Paolo is the one enjoying it for the most part and I reckon it will be his new toy instead. Well hello, trusty old camera. I can never ever be a gadget girl. These times make you realize you only need very few things in life. The rest are just trivial stuff you are programmed to want.

I'm in a de-clutter mood this week and I have been trimming down our stuff and clutter for days already. I have acquired so many useless knick knacks over the years and I feel really guilty seeing them now and realizing how much money I could have saved instead.
Now that I'm getting older and hopefully much wiser, I will just be sticking to the adage of less is more: quality over quantity. Same with relationships, people, grudges and issues. Life is too beautiful and too short to focus on so much negativity...and hodgepodge of heavy things (or people?) that make me unavailable for new quality things (or relationships).

De-clutter mode on.

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