Tuesday, August 24, 2010

what a day, yesterday

Yesterday started out great for me.I was even thinking of blogging about it in the afternoon. My morning started out in a rush, trying to finish some stuff for the scheduled shipment. I had a nice lunch then set off finishing some things for my bead bar. After that I went jogging then went straight to the spa for a couple of treatments and pampering. My day was busy but not stressful. I was more than ready to end the day with a nice dinner with the hubby when he picked me up.

I was blissfully unaware of what was happenning and only learned about it through Pao... So, so sad. What seemed to be just an ordinary day for some, was actually one of the most tragic in our country for this year. I pray for the victims and all their families. I can't even imagine the trauma and grief.

On the other side of the spectrum, I'm glad Ms.Philippines did well in the Ms. Universe pageant. She didn't lose. She won fifth place. That was a great finish for someone competing with 80 plus of the most beautiful women in the world.

Positive vibes, people. We need more of that.

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