Friday, October 7, 2011

Homecooked Wednesdays

The lack of updates is due to me running around my little world the past week. I had to man a few repairs and construction being made in the house, help out a cousin who is a minor (I'm the guardian) work on some things while slowly easing my way back to my normal workload in my shop. Whew.

When we were just dating, we used to call Wednesdays as Isabel's day and made sure we go out somewhere a bit more fancy than the usual. Now, because of Pao's heavy schedule, we only have late dinners so most of the days of the week are spent having dinner somewhere to spend some quality time. We rarely eat at home so now I make sure Wednesdays are for home-cooked meals.

Last Wednesday, I suddenly craved for my mama's Binagoongang Pork with eggplant. So I decided to make my own. It was my first attempt and I'm happy to report, it was a success!

Use 1 kilo of Pork chopped into cubes and cooked with 3 cups of water and a cup of vinegar, add bayleaf and whole peppercorns. Wait until the meat is tender.

In a saucepan, I always use EVOO for my cooking oil and sauté the pork with 2 cloves of chopped garlic and a head of onion. Add 3/4 cup of Shrimp paste and 2 heads of medium-sized tomatoes. Add some water/vinegar from where the pork boiled until tender. Add some spices, depending on your preferences although I found out I like it a bit spicy so I add siling labuyo, Morton spices, a bit of sugar. Slice the eggplants and add.

I found out the taste really depends on the Shrimp paste you are going to use. Also make sure the pork is really tender--it makes all the difference! =)

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