Saturday, January 3, 2009

Team Mulan

I was watching cartoons this morning and chanced upon Mulan. I’ve watched it a couple of times already but it is just now that made me wonder about something. I always see little girls liking all the Disney princesses. I remember, we were in Disneyworld last year and I saw these entire princess characters except for Mulan. I was collecting those Disney pins but I had a hard time looking for the Pocahontas and Mulan pins. They were very limited.
It’s perfectly understandable that the appeal of these Disney princesses is stronger than that of a more “cultural” Mulan or Pocahontas. I would dare say because maybe of the ethnic element. It makes me sad though that in this time and age, little girls would rather look up to these fairytale princess bimbos who do nothing but talk to animated squirrels or teacups and wait for their prince to come over these two strong and beautiful characters. I can’t for the life of me, understand the proliferation of “mean girls” in any tween movie and its strong appeal, making it seem cool and fashionable to be a biotch. I’m neither a stout feminist nor a Daria. I’m actually one of the girliest people I know. I like any fairytale just like the next girl, I even love Barbie. Although today, I realized one thing: Someday when I have my little girl, my little Sayuri, I would make her watch Mulan first over the other Disney cartoons so that it will be her bar, her standard. And make her understand that is perfectly fine to be a princess…but it is even better to be your own hero.

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