Thursday, December 30, 2010


I have a lot to be thankful for, for 2010. Not because it was all rosy and wonderful but because it was a year of revelations and new beginnings, real beginnings.

When I got married in 2009, I felt like being thrown out into the wilderness with just Paolo to hold onto. My whole family moved away for good right after I got married, I was left in the country and practically took charge of everything learning along the way while simultaneously shimmying in the new wedded bliss.
This year, 2010, I finally steadied myself from all the roulette of 2009. It was then when all the dust had settled, I was able to finally assess my situation, my path, where I wanted to go…or rather where circumstances are telling me to go and where fate is leading me.

2010 was one of my most memorable years, in terms of personal growth. It was a series of extremes—extreme ups and really low down moments. I like to believe I am evolving to become a better team player but at the same time becoming more independent than ever. It is a paradox, but learning to be a part of a team, you learn more about your strengths and what you can contribute. Being a perfectionist and a control freak, I used to be so frustrated about these little differences…now I am slowly realizing they are like little pieces of a puzzle, different yet they fit together, they complete each others’ parts.

I never felt so much freedom and power in my life than in this past year. Suddenly, I was making big decisions. It was both liberating and yet terrifying to know that all the decisions I make now, every step affects not only me but both of us as a couple and our family in the future; No one else to take the blame or worse, to live through the consequences but us. This ironically taught me to be more cautious yet to take bigger risks as well.
I have always been excited about new years, but this time, for the first time, my retrospection about the past year makes me sad in a nostalgic way. I am very grateful, it was a good year, indeed. Not only because it brought so much blessings but also lessons…and a stronger backbone.

This coming year, my theme is all about family and quality, every aspect of it. =)
I still want to do more, see more, accomplish more and to continuously amp my game. I feel like I still need to learn a lot of things and I will always feel that way. That feeling I guess, will always make me look forward, make me more hopeful and excited for the future.

To a blessed 2011!!!

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