Sunday, July 22, 2012


To my two loyal readers, I'm sorry for the lack of updates. Life has been very hectic the past few days. =/

I'm taking care of my lola right now after her successful surgery. We had been in the hospital for quite sometime. Thank God for my ever reliable cousin Vanessa, who stepped up and took charge with Nanay's care for two whole weeks in the hospital. I'm just thankful though that all four of us are nurses so it's not hard to understand what must be done and the changes with her care and medication.

I am amazed by my three cousins devotion to our lola. That's pure love right there.

I knew from the start that July will be a really busy month. I must admit right now that I'm having a hard time juggling everything. House organizations and repairs are going very slowly because of the rainy season and I'm just antsy to get it done and over with.
I'll post photos of my July so far. I'm also excited to post photos of my latest mini-makeovers and DIYs around the house.
In the meantime, I just want to share this fun pieces I made for a client. I love kitschy pieces like these because I always end up making one for myself as well! =)

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