Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I’ve come to a rather dim conclusion that people lose a bit of their “cool” factor (whether really in existence or imagined) once they get married. No matter how happy the union is. I had this epiphany while I was happily whiling away my time this afternoon, marveling at the nice crochet trimmings of our bedspread.

Ugh. I remembered about my plans with Paolo before we got married: Go on trips every month, pretend we don’t know each other in a bar (lame-o), go on weeknight dates. I began recounting my activities the past few days: gardening with my husband, check. Cooking (or at least attempting to), check. Redecorating the house, check. Discovering my own “style” for a bread pudding, a proud check… Somehow, the activities that I was most excited for before are eclipsed by the fact that I just have someone to love me at my “coolest” and at my “dorkiest” (which happens more frequently, these days).

Now, I rather like the evolution of my activities that are in consequence with my civil status. Just recently, I’ve caught myself enjoying the great task of researching the merits of creeping figs on a garden wall. Going out is fun but coming home to your own place is much, much better. Somehow, I imagine what my “cool” 18-year-old self would say to me today...

“I can’t wait”, probably. =)

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