Monday, July 13, 2009

musings over coffee

I am all about trying new things. I think of all my sisters, I was the only one who changed careers about a gazillion times before really finding that right ONE. This one trait, I believed actually produced a paradox in my nature: when I come across something that fits happily in my life, I find it hard to venture out of my comfort zone.

I remember when I was unmarried, I have these criteria, my sort of principle tape to go by in doing things: 1. it will not kill me. 2. It will not make my parents kill me and/or kill my parents. So I believe it is safe to say, I only have number one to worry about now. Not unless I have to replace the word “parents” with “husband.”

So. I am looking for something new, something to focus my energy on other than managing my parents' business, my husband’s life, blood pressure and fashion choices, my little hobby that rakes me in more hobby moolah, my studies and everything else in between.

Lately, I’m a bit underway with my projects but somehow I’m bored with the Step A to Step B progress. I guess I have always been the type to twirl in between steps. During these semi-hypomanic episodes (that I gallantly self-diagnosed) I am most inspired. I have racing (not racy) thoughts that I have yet to organize and compartmentalize to little segments of do-ability.

**I just have to tackle the hardest part: start the ball rolling.

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