Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Mother's Day

Pao and I had a little secret the past few months...

The reason we waited for a while before telling everyone is because there is really beauty in waiting...We should know since we waited for 2 and a half years for the right time.

We made sure the little peanut is well on his/her way before telling the world he/she is coming. Now, we are as excited more than ever.
The last weeks of keeping secrets were fun. They brought us so much closer, They made us really assess our future, what we wanted for our family and where we are going without outside influences. It was really just us three, literally in those few weeks.

But now is so much more fun because we get to share our happiness and excitement to everyone who loves and cares for us.

We specifically chose September 8 to share our good new because I grew up as a Marian devotee, having spent more than 10 years of my life as a member of the Legion of Mary. Our dear Mother is the first one I call upon during times of hardships.
What better time to announce my impending motherhood than the day of our beloved Mama Mary.

Thanks for the well-wishes and greetings. =) Now there are more things to write about in my blog, but don't worry I won't be one of those preggy women who talk about their pregnancy all the time. Well, I'll try my best. ;)

Here's to the new chapter ahead!

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