Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday senti

Today I felt like what most parents feel when they see their children go through a milestone in life.

Today I felt that inexplicable pride and joy as if I'm the only parent in the world and my child is the only person who goes through those life-changing moments.

Today I also felt that feeling on the other side of the coin, that feeling that always comes with those exhilarating highs: that sadness, that bittersweet feeling knowing that each milestone is a moment he is becoming more independent, he is becoming his own person, apart from me.

Today I felt what most parents feel during their children's graduations, weddings...

Today, Hunter's first tooth came out. 


I will definitely miss those gummy, toothless smiles. Though I will never see that gummy smile once again, I look forward to giving him his first solids; witnessing his first steps; watching his eyes light up with his first cookie and more, more firsts in the world. Our world. =)

Oh, how I love you, little guy.

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