Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Long Weekend

The second sign that you are getting old is you don't like taking much photos as before, save for your food when you eat out. *Sigh. Anyhoo, what is the first sign you are getting old? You don't like texting as much as before. I use my phone more for emails and calls and taking pictures.

Yes, sadly I wasn't able to take photos of all the fun things we did last weekend. I'm thankful for my Iphone though since I'm able to snap some shots here and there once in a while.

Hunter was a Pumpkin last Halloween. I'm the type of mommy who likes to dress up their babies funny costumes. I mean, they will be superheroes, princesses, astronauts, etc., etc for the rest of their childhood. Why not dress them up cutesy-funny while you still decide what they are supposed to be during Halloweens?

Hunter was supposed to be Uncle Fester. Perfection.

But since the weather doesn't permit us to dress him more than the occasional pants and polos, I let go of my wonderful plan. Hunter is a winter baby. He can't take the heat for a long time.

Solution? Onesie, a bib and some DIY leaves hat.
My pumpkin!

Thanks Mamazel for my bib!
I made his leaves hat of course, with some construction paper, oil pastel, gold ink pen and mod podge.

My nails matched!

We went to Manila Memorial Park to visit both the Perez and Yason Mausoleums. 

Then spent some time with our Yason side of the family.

Papa with cousin Tacio and Hunter with Lola Betty

Our twin cousins

The rest of the days were spent running around the Metro, doing some errands and gathering all the things we need for our major projects in the coming weeks which is a different post altogether.

That's the reason why I have neglected this blog for a while. I'll be posting more on that once the ball starts rolling. =)))

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