Wednesday, July 2, 2008

spa and sniffles

I was down with a flu for the last two days. It was my fault, I guess. I had a bright idea of getting a home-spa massage service with Papa and I guess the therapists carried the virus with them. I mean, I just recently realized, most of the people who avail of home-service massage are those who can't go to a spa because they are sick. Papa and I were the only ones who got sick and I got the worse bill between the two. I was so weak but my mind was racing a mile a minute with things I need to do. I've got a month and a half left before I leave for Chicago and I still need to do a bazillion things for the wedding. Lately, I've been busy with other things aside from wedding and school. I need to finish a few units and duties before I leave and that's enough to occupy a big chunk of my time. I'ts kind of odd when we are sick and can't do anything that's when we want to do everything.

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