Thursday, October 28, 2010

My take. Late, as it may seem.

I was watching the news and came upon the bit about Carlos Celdran pleading not guilty for his offense.
I must admit, I'm a bit appalled. The Catholic Church had been taking the beating for quite a while already so what's new?

A lot of people cry out "martyrdom" for the costumed Celdran. But a lot of people as well, me included are appalled by the lack of respect. There is proper place and forum for everything. I might have applauded him, even only for his sheer audacity if he did that in Luneta or something. I think its a bit skewed that his name is now synonymous to being pro RH Bill. I also support the bill but I condemn the way Celdran sent the message. It's not about being punished because of what he believes in...but what he had done wrong.

The Church since medieval times had been a sanctuary, a place where people find refuge and protection. Even during bloodiest wars, its sacredness respected both by believers and non-believers.
Disrupting a Religious gathering, may it be Catholic or not, inside what its people deemed as the holiest place is PLAIN BASTOS.

Suddenly he is hailed as a hero, a trailblazer. Many supporting this man who "stood up." Everything vile and oppressive about the Catholic Church is spewed out as if it is a mere archaic institution stuck in the time of Damaso. The Church is suddenly written out in many blogs as this dark, sinister force that must be defeated. The Church will always and forever have its stand and it will always voice out its teaching, will always struggle with the changing times to hold true to the tenets of the Faith. It is for many, an anchor in this time of evolving values. Just as with any religion with the highest ideals and beliefs that are either Black or White, you cannot make the Catholic Church adjust for you. If you want change, it must be on the Cultural and Political level.

Every religion has its stand and voice but let's face it, The Catholic Church is one of the most influential, if not the most influential organization in the whole world and when it speaks, it is heard loud and clear. Don't be mad with the Catholic Church for voicing out its stand because they are not the ones passing the law. Air out your grievances to your spineless government leaders who can't make their own decisions.
Everything is almost always blamed on the Catholic Church, forgetting how many times directly or indirectly it has brought us together as a nation.

I do not blame people who lose their faith and move to other religion, if that is how they find God then so be it. But making a sweeping conclusion of the Church based on shallow interpretations as well as faults made my some Catholic leaders is unfair, biased and excessive.

"There is no perfect religion because there is no perfect man." In the end, you are guided only by the most basic principles by which your Faith stands.

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