Sunday, October 30, 2011

Just my humble opinion.

Calling a baby, any baby ugly is so tasteless. If you can’t help it, just keep it to yourself specially if you are not all that gorgeous.

People may tell me to lighten up, that’s its just a joke and just to inject some humor to a review but somehow jokes like that worries me. If that’s how we “lighten things up” then I ‘d rather be dark and brooding.
I mean if you can’t see beauty in an innocent little baby then that scares me with how your mind works.
There's a difference between being honest and being mean.

I think adults making fun of babies and kids is the worst form of being a meanie and a bully.
I feel bad for the parents of that baby they say is ugly. I’m not even a parent yet but it bothers me to hear remarks like that.
Can you just imagine what the parents of that baby will feel when they read that or hear that from someone else?

As a nurse, during hospital duties, I see babies with deformities or many tubes and wires attached to their bodies but whenever I see their parents cooing and cuddling them, I realize all they see is their beautiful baby, nothing else.

All babies are beautiful, not just for the physical attributes but what they represent: innocence and a world of possibilities.

Its mean people and bullies who are ugly.

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