Friday, August 15, 2008

Mowdil Alert!

It has always been a secret joke between Pao and me that he is the MOW-DIL: My private Zoolander. One of my fiancé’s charms is his shyness, I always hate arrogant, “feeling” guys but still he has done bits and pieces of modeling here and there yet he’s not the one to brag, he even loves to make fun of it. So it was more of a joke rather than something to tell with a smudge of pride. Yet I was pleasantly surprised and smugly happy when I saw a larger than life Paolo in a billboard at SLEX. It made me even happier that his was bigger than Anne Curtis across the major highway. =) I was so tempted to get one of his many banner ads along Zapote in Alabang. No one cares, really. It was just like the kind of inexplicable delight mommies feel when their kindergartens have insignificant roles like worms or trees in the school play. Although I must admit he looks way better in person, I cannot complain. I love looking at Paolo and seeing his face magnified at least 30 times more is way even better.

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