Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Christmas...

Christmas for this year was sooo different from how I am used to. I missed the boisterous laughters, the noise, impromptu variety shows with my cousins, going to Church at 7.30 pm to save a seat for a 9pm mass. I miss my family. But as they always say, we create new traditions and cherish the old ones. I love how my Christmas went. Aside from the fact that I loooove my gifts, I got to be with family but still spent a nice one with the hubby, just the two of us.

Pao and I decided to just spend Christmas at Sofitel and enjoy our exclusive Christmas as much as possible.

This year was still about family but since its just me and Paolo, its a quiet, quiet one. We also spent Christmas earlier with my Yason family. went to mass at John's and I must say I love Opus Dei services. It's what Catholic mass is supposed to be: Very Solemn and Very Traditional from the Latin songs to the prayers, very beautiful. It is a privilege to attend one.

I missed Christmases at my auntie Erlie's. I love how her house looks during the holidays and it was something I have always looked forward to when I was little. Good thing she's home from Illinois and we got to spent Christmas day with my Perez relatives.

Christmas day morning is just me and the hubby, toasting to a great year and planning for the next year ahead. I love how our relationship is morphing more and more to a partnership, the way it is supposed to be. Something that I am really thankful for. It's not just solely about lovey-doveys anymore. We now know more who should do what, who is stronger in each task, we are evolving with each other and we are really looking forward for the next year.

And to cap it all off, a nice fireworks display by our balcony. I live a blessed life and I couldn't be more thankful. =)

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