Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I love to laze around and all but I'm a bouncing ball of fire when I'm all set for a project. I always tell Paolo, I'll be an alpha male if I were a man. Yesterday I was in a deep cake fixation, looking for just the right cake design and flavor all day. I was a bride on a mission with a really big inspiration. I guess its not unlike looking for the perfect gown, you just have to keep looking before you can have the aha! moment. I've always loved Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic look and I'm striving on getting my wedding at that level of creativity: The softness, the "english-garden-ladies-having-afternoon-tea" look. I find it at times challenging explaining my concept and vision to my suppliers and potential wedding coordinators, I end up designing everything single-handedly. Although I fear that it may end up being more shabby than chic with my state of mind right now. At present, all I'm aiming for: find the perfect supplier for the right cake, getting into a comfortable level with my event florist (Flowers Unlimited) with spring and soft flowers I have in mind and finding the right wedding coordinator who will be more of a shrink than a tyrant. After interviewing five wedding coordinators, I've realized I hate, hate, hate know-it-alls who think they have better ideas for my wedding than I do. They don't. After going through four debuts and three weddings of my sisters unscathed, I sure well know what I want. Its ironic when I'm at my creative peak im also in a muddled state. I have too much energy for one project. I sometimes wish I have a jumperoo like my niece Yanca to spend it on...

Anyway, after posting about my Pink bag lust, I had two very strong oppositions from my bestfriend Jana and my sister Tiff, so no, hold your horses. Its quite tempting but I dont think after all the self-proclaimed semi-fabness in my life, I'm credible enough to carry an Hermes bag, even its likeness. Its a cheap simulation (ok, a knock-off). It was tempting for a moment, yes...Well, hello back to my dooneys.

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