Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hello,I'm still here...

It's when I'm doing so many things that I tend to forsake my blog.
It's ironic since that's when my life is more interesting and I have more things to share and say.

Lately, I haven't been posting a lot of dramabels. My entries the past few weeks were just random photos and lah-dee-dahs of everyday stuff. Not the usual sap I used to dish out when I was just starting.
I've realized my humble blog's view counter is increasing and somehow it scares me. Everyone says, blogging is personal and if you don't like what the person's writing about, then leave the page.

I also believe that when you write something and post it on the world wide web, you open up yourself to people and their it or not. Somehow, you are allowing yourself to be more vulnerable.

You are allowing people to see a little bit of yourself or else just write in your journal and forget about blogging.

I'm rambling, just a random thought.

Anyway, I've been really busy. September to October are my two most-awaited months this year. Aside from the Pooh visiting, I'm really feeling these are our months, Pao and I. September seemed so far away months ago but then here we are. My excitement is turning into nervousness.
A decade is long. but I truly believe he more than sowed what was asked and its reaping time.
I only pray for a fruitful harvest.
Fingers-crossed and I will refrain from counting the chickens before they hatch...
Hay naku, metaphors.

I need to organize my mess a bit to a more tolerable jumble then I can go back to running smoothly again.

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