Wednesday, November 5, 2008

BTB musings

I recently enrolled myself to the Weddings at Work group mail mainly to check out suppliers’ ratings and other brides’ ideas to get me really pumped up for the wedding. Since I’m very bipolar with things like these and able to accomplish lots of things during my pseudo hypomanic episodes, I thought I needed such reminders and thrusts now and then yet it made even more anxious. My yahoo is flooded with an average of 200 mails a day. Whew, I didn’t know there are a LOT of brides (and bridezillas?) in this time and age. I’m talking about brides with the whole wedding spectacle and hoohahs down pat.
Now don’t get me wrong, I think Weddings at Work is really a great well of bridal ideas:white wedding boots, anyone? I guess its just not working for me. Although it made me realize… sadly, weddings became a sort of comercialized displays of unmitigated, in-your-face brouhahas. If that is your style, well and good. But as Jane Austen puts it, “Dress is at all times a frivolous distinction, and excessive solicitude about it often destroys its own aim.” I truly believe same goes for these things. I guess since I’m the kind of girl who is an “all or nothing” sort, simplicity is not my virtue, I’m always conscious about the thin line between being fabulous and tacky. Surprisingly,after all that’s being said and done and the constant unwelcomed suggestions from my suppliers and designers (and other well-meaning relatives and friends), I just want something elegant, romantic and classic.
I found a wedding etiquette site and it says something that really sums up my sentiments. For the guests: “The Couple would like you to have a good time, but the event is not organized to indulge you. The couple and their families have honored you by inviting you to the wedding. Its all about them.” With four months to go before my big day, I’m trying to live by this and choose the elements I want to incorporate in our wedding with what I want and who we are as a couple. I’m always in fear of becoming a bridezilla, its then that I realized that I’m just coming at terms with my own partialities. After all, I will be a bride just once…=)

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