Monday, November 10, 2008

Nearing to the Next...

So must everything, even good things come to an end. In two weeks, I'll be leaving my life here in Downers Grove to go back to Manila. It is a bittersweet goodbye. I feel like I'm saying farewell to many people and many things: My sisters, my singlehood, Cheska's toothless grins and our song duets, Yanca's sleepy pink eyebags and kisses, my fave bed, my little quiet world, my fave, cozy nook in the sofa for dvd nights, my friday yays, panda express, egg harbour, yogen fruz...

It is unlike my other visits, I feel so sad leaving. I guess it is because I know that the last four months will never happen again. It will never be the same way. I feel like I have totally made my stay the best ever. I lived every moment and enjoyed everyday. I've been telling Ate Vi it wasn't as if I was visiting, it was as if I created a totally new life for myself.
Life is a series of goodbyes, but come to think of it...It is also a series of hellos. This adventure is coming to an end, but a new one is waiting, another one is about to begin... =)

Wait for me my little imbentor mills, I'm coming home.

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