Saturday, January 23, 2010

On those rare beadless days...

...I’m either at CBTL in Trinoma or at Dome in Shangrila Mall. These have become my sort-of “office” especially on days I have to finish some things online and I know that staying home would mean I would probably end up asleep.

I really have to do something with my mess right now. Our bedroom is turning literally into a sea of beads and it’s not a good thing. I love displaying everything because it always gets my creative juices flowing. But what used to be an inspiring exhibit has now become a stressful setting. I’m thinking of turning our lounge downstairs that used to be my brother’s bedroom as my “office”-workstation. I want to be able to see everything catalogued and arranged in a way that would still be inspiring yet organized.

Projects, projects. Another item to add to my ever growing to-do-list.

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