Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Life is a series of waiting

Back when I was in high school, I couldn't wait to go to College. When I got into College, I couldn't wait to graduate and work, then get married...then get to another phase.

Life is a series of waiting, my sister says all the time. And that saddens me. As I grew older, I realize that we should make the most of whatever phase and place in life we are at the moment. There will be some stop-overs and a few twists and turns and sometimes we can get comfortable and never want to leave, but we have to be focused on where we are going. But there are times as well, that we can't wait to leave a certain stop, neglecting to see what it can offer.

I thought about this, this morning while I was waiting for something that has been keeping me up late for quite a few nights already. It doesn't help either that the hubby is away for three days on a business trip.
I found myself planning for so many things in the future. When I can make them right here, right now.

It got me thinking, How do you find the balance? How can you enjoy a phase while at the same time be aware of when it is time to move on?

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