Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hunter's first hunt

Hunter is a month old already! Goodness, time flies!

We will be taking a picture of him with Mr. Teddy Wiggles (name given by Achie Pooh) every month to see his progress.

This has been a very busy week. Aside from Hunter turning a month old, it was also our wedding anniversary some days ago and unlike the past years, it was a very ordinary day for us. We went to the pediatrician and went shopping for more baby stuff.
All I can think about are baby things! As a new mommy, its so exciting to discover about baby stuff that I didn't know about (or cared about) just a year ago.

Today, the Espinas invited us to just go out and enjoy the nice weather we're having. It didn't take me too long to say yes although we only get about a total of 5 hours of sleep at night because I've been raring to go out for a while now.
Now that we have established a routine and Hunter (thankfully!) can alternate between breastfeeding and bottle feeding, I am more confident to take him out.
We ended up just picking up things for him like his new diaper bag that both mama and papa are happy with (since the papa bear insists mama only buys "diaper bags" for herself). =)

Its nice to be back, physically recovered and in my full-blown mommy gear. ❤

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