Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Now I can really attest to serendipity. When it’s meant to be, nothing’s stopping destiny. I remembered I blogged last year around January 2008 about my infatuation over a Juicy Couture leather fluffy bag. This particular design that I like wasn’t being carried at Rustans. I finally saw one in ebay but I for one am never a great fan of segunda mano or the more chic term. “vintage.” I let it go at that time and it haunted me to great depths. I finally saw one again and I consulted my ever-reliable mama even though I knew what she was about to say. She was like, “you are way past Juicy Couture. Go for Gucci.” As if there is a strong correlation between the two. My mama btw is a bag snob. I figured at 25, maybe I should really let go. This particular bag is not really as expensive or as precious to lose over a sleep or two but any collector can attest that an item harder to find, is the one more sought after. Just for my peace of mind, I bought the used Juicy Couture bag I saw in ebay. But the haunting never stopped, it is just not the same. I wasn’t happy at all…
I was thinking about the bag the other day and at the exact same time, my local contact who imports Juicy Couture from the States called me. I didn’t save her number anymore just so I could move on, dramatic as it may seem. She has a new bag that I so wanted for the longest time. It was like as if the universe aligned for us to be finally together. So, hello Juicy and goodbye to dining out for a month. This is not the best bag that I have nor the more expensive but I think I’m going to love this one a little bit more…

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