Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our Rock

My family is one of life’s greatest gifts to me. They are my pillars of strength, my greatest sense of stability. I must admit I’m a bit flighty. I went thru different phases and I’m still maybe going thru some from time to time. I’ve tried out different careers, hobbies and interests but having such a well-grounded family gives me that sense of security amidst the changes.
Back in school, when we were having these circle group reflections and sharing, I always get surprised about some classmates sharing deep family problems that I can only imagine. Back then, my problems and concerns compared to theirs were...well, shallow for lack of a better term.
February 10, 2009. My nephew Elijah Rocco was born. He was every bit of a perfect baby: handsome with so much promise in life. He was born to a wonderful marriage and to solid families with so much to guarantee his place in the world. Then after 4 hours or so of such elation, we were told that he has one of the complex congenital heart conditions. Suddenly, my “perfect family” for the first time is pushed into an unknown dark territory. At first, there are questions. You never think about things like this happening to your family, until it does. None of us had been hospitalized for any serious condition; we were terrified beyond our midst. We were scared mainly because it is something unknown, unchartered. My sister Hazel is my twin, and knowing her pain wrings my heart so badly.
I have always been a spiritual person, but it is the first time in my life that every word uttered in my prayers is said with so much longing. After the storm had subsided and we got to a comfortable level of chaos, things dawned to me. I’m turning 25, I’m quarter of a century old yet this little baby, our little warrior is teaching me so much. Suddenly, my worries and problems seem so small. Suddenly, life is brighter, more intense than it ever was. Suddenly everyday is a celebration, a gift. He is God’s reminder to our family: Life, everything in it is not a right but a gift and a privilege. Suddenly, I started appreciating life a little bit more.

Elijah, you are one of the most precious gifts to us. God gave all of us different hearts; some may be more vulnerable than others. Sometimes, it may get weak, may be a bit broken. But hearts can be mended, because of love… And it is something you will never ran of. We love you so much. I can't wait to play with you.

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